Beer advocaten

How can we help you?

Criminal law

Beer advocaten represents victims of major violent and sex crimes and their loved ones. Examples are homicides, attacks, large-scale sex cases, aggravated assaults and criminal traffic offences. In these cases the stakes are not just emotional but financial as well. Victims and their loved ones often face a tangle of procedures and difficulties.

At Beer advocaten, Arlette Schijns, Irene Timmermans and Nicole Hoogenboom specialise in these cases. They are the voice of victims and their loved ones. They litigate in criminal and civil cases. Like no other they know victims’ rights and how to stand up for victims and their loved ones. They have the expertise to draw up and analyse complex claims and can call on an extensive network of experts.

Schijns and Timmermans also litigate in appeals to the Supreme Court about claims and conducts proceedings about nervous shock. Furthermore, they counsel guardians ad litem of minors who are victims of crimes in which the suspects are one or both of the (step) parents.  


Beer advocaten has provided legal assistance in the following high-profile cases:

  • MH 17 crash
  • Attack at Amsterdam Central Station
  • Shooting in tram in Utrecht
  • Criminal traffic offences causing severe bodily or fatal injuries
  • Procedures in the Marengo trial